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Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Imaging Type (Video and Image), By Collection Medium (Geographic Information System (GIS), Satellite Imagery, and Others), By Application (Weather Conditions Monitoring, Disaster Management, Urban Planning/Development, Natural Resource Exploration, and Others), By End-user (Defense & Security, Healthcare, Retail & Logistics, Government, Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI), Mining/Manufacturing, Agriculture, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2023 – 2030

Last Updated: June 10, 2024 | Format: PDF | Report ID: FBI108685



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The geospatial imagery analytics market size was valued at USD 11.88 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow from USD 15.62 billion in 2023 to USD 109.84 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 32.1% during 2023-2030. North America dominated the global market with a share of 42.59% in 2022.

Geospatial imagery analytics analyze and interpret geographical data from imagery sources such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), satellite imagery, UAVs, drones, and others. It allows users to extract valuable information and insights about specific locations or regions. This technology is widely used in various applications, including monitoring weather conditions, managing disasters, urban planning and development, exploring natural resources, and optimizing sales and marketing strategies. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies further enhances the capabilities of geospatial imagery analytics, driving its adoption across diverse sectors.


Increase in Value of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Data in Response to COVID-19 Fueled Market Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the geospatial imagery analytics market growth. Geospatial imagery analytics played a crucial role in tracking the virus’s spread, identifying high-risk areas, and evaluating the effectiveness of containment measures. This highlighted the value of remote sensing and geospatial data in responding to emergencies. Additionally, the crisis accelerated trends in the geospatial analytics market, such as increased use of satellite imagery and aerial data. Organizations turned to geospatial analytics for monitoring weather conditions, managing disasters, urban planning and development, and exploring natural resources as they adapted to the rapidly changing environment.

Overall, the pandemic disrupted conventional data collection approaches, emphasizing the resilience and adaptability of imagery analytics in addressing complex real-world challenges. This technology remains a vital tool in the post-pandemic era for various industries and government entities as they navigate the evolving landscape created by the pandemic.


Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with Geospatial Imagery Analytics Solutions to Surge Market Growth

Geospatial analytics increasingly incorporates AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to process and analyze vast amounts of satellite and aerial imagery. These technologies enhance the automation and accuracy of image interpretation, enabling the identification of patterns, objects, and changes in the landscape with greater precision. AI-driven tools can be applied across various industries. For instance, in agriculture, they assist in crop monitoring and disease detection; in urban planning, they aid in infrastructure development and traffic management. Environmental organizations use them for natural disaster monitoring and conservation efforts.

Furthermore, AI and ML can handle tasks such as object detection, land cover classification, and anomaly detection, which were once time-consuming for human analysts. The adoption of AI and ML in geospatial imagery analytics is driven by the need for more efficient and cost-effective solutions, especially as the volume of geospatial data grows. As these technologies become more sophisticated, they are set to revolutionize how organizations harness geospatial information, opening up new opportunities for data-driven decision-making and insight generation. Thus, the factors mentioned above are expected to fuel the growth of this market during the forecast period.

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Growing Demand for Location-based Insights across Diverse Industries to Fuel Market Growth

The market is experiencing significant growth due to the rising demand for location-based insights across diverse industries. This increased demand is driven by the recognition of the value geospatial data and analytics bring to decision-making processes in various sectors. Businesses, governments, and organizations are increasingly adopting geospatial imagery analytics to optimize operations, improve resource management, and gain a competitive advantage.

Moreover, this technology is valuable in precision farming, urban planning, logistics, and disaster management, where it enhances efficiency and facilitates data-driven decision-making with the help of location-based insights. Industries are embracing geospatial insights as a transformative tool for improving operational efficiency and overall decision-making processes.


Complexity and Cost Associated with Data Acquisition and Processing May Hamper Market Growth

While geospatial analytics offers valuable insights, acquiring and processing relevant data can be an expensive task. Collecting high-resolution imagery, maintaining data quality, ensuring data accuracy, and the need for specialized software for geospatial data processing require substantial investments. Furthermore, the complexity of geospatial data integration, where data from various sources must be harmonized and analyzed, can be challenging. Many organizations may lack the expertise to manage this complexity effectively. Therefore, the factors mentioned above can deter some potential users from fully embracing geospatial imagery analytics, notably smaller businesses or resource-constrained entities.


By Imaging Type Analysis

Image Segment's Dominance Led by its Efficiency and Precision in Mapping and Analysis

Based on imaging type, the market is bifurcated into video and image. The image segment holds the largest geospatial imagery analytics market share and is also expected to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period. Images provide a snapshot of a specific moment in time, which can be helpful for tasks such as mapping, land use analysis, and identifying static features. They are also easier and quicker to process and analyze compared to continuous video streams. Moreover, images typically require less storage and bandwidth, making them more efficient for data transfer and storage.

By Collection Medium Analysis

GIS Segment Leads as Spatial Dimension Empowers Complex Data Analysis and Evaluation

According to our research, based on collection medium, the market is divided into Geographic Information System (GIS), satellite imagery, and others. The Geographic Information System (GIS) segment holds the maximum share owing to its capacity to add a crucial spatial dimension to data analysis. Its spatial analysis tools enable users to conduct complex spatial evaluations, such as proximity assessments, spatial interpolation, and hotspot identification, applicable across urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster response.

The satellite imagery segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the increasing availability of high-resolution satellite imagery from commercial providers, offering improved image quality and detail. These images serve a multitude of industries, including agriculture, forestry, urban planning, and disaster management. The real-time monitoring and rapid revisit capabilities of satellites further enhance their utility.

By Application Analysis 

Advantages Offered by the Technology for Disaster Management to Raise the Segment Growth

By application, the market is divided into weather conditions monitoring, disaster management, urban planning/development, natural resource exploration, and others. The disaster management segment holds the highest share owing to its inherent advantages, such as real-time monitoring, damage assessment, infrastructure mapping, environmental monitoring, rapid response, and recovery planning, addressing the critical needs of disaster response and recovery.

The natural resource exploration segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the increasing demand for critical resources such as minerals, oil, gas, and water. Exploration activities have raised the demand for imagery tools to provide efficient resource discovery, allowing companies to pinpoint potential sites with a higher degree of accuracy.

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By End-user Analysis

Dominance of Disaster Management Segment Led by Real-Time Monitoring and Rapid Response in Disaster Recovery

By end-user , the market is classified into defense & security, healthcare, retail & logistics, government, banking, financial services & insurance (BFSI), mining/manufacturing, agriculture, and others.

The defense & security segment holds the maximum share as it heavily relies on location-based data for surveillance, threat detection, and strategic planning. Thus, imagery tools play a critical role in border security, monitoring troop movements, disaster response, and intelligence gathering.

The mining/manufacturing segment is expected to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period due to its increasing focus on operational efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability. Imagery tools provide valuable insights into resource allocation, production optimization, supply chain management, and environmental impact assessment.


Our report includes the geospatial imagery analytics market across five regions, including South America, the Middle East & Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. These regions are further categorized into leading countries.

North America Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Size, 2022 (USD Billion)

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The North American market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape driven by the increasing demand for location-based insights across various industries. The region serves as a hub for technological innovation and boasts a well-established infrastructure for collecting and analyzing geospatial data. Specifically, the U.S. and Canada have been at the forefront of adopting geospatial imagery analytics to enhance decision-making and gain a competitive edge. Moreover, key players continuously improve their offerings and expand services to meet the growing needs of businesses and government agencies.

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The Asia Pacific market is rapidly evolving due to factors such as urbanization, the development of smart cities, and agricultural demands. Many countries in the region are embracing this technology to address challenges related to urban planning, resource management, and environmental monitoring, leading to increased adoption of satellite imagery, remote sensing, and GIS technologies.

Europe is witnessing substantial growth primarily driven by the adoption of geospatial technologies across various industries. Governments in European countries are leveraging these tools for urban development, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. Additionally, industries such as agriculture, transportation, and forestry are utilizing this technology to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

The markets in South America and the Middle East & Africa are experiencing significant growth due to the increasing recognition of the value provided by geospatial imagery in various applications. Moreover, as more businesses and governments embrace geospatial analytics, these regions are poised for considerable expansion in the coming years.


Major Players Launch New Products to Strengthen Market Position

Players in this market are actively developing advanced solutions to meet customer demands. They are also emphasizing the enhancement of their existing product portfolio to provide flexible solutions with unique attributes. Furthermore, these organizations are proactively pursuing acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations to bolster their product offerings.

List of Key Companies Profiled in Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market: 


  • August 2023: onX, a digital navigation company, partnered with Planet Labs PBC, a satellite imagery provider, to introduce a new feature called ‘Recent Imagery’. This feature offers onX app users updated satellite imagery maps every two weeks, enhancing the user experience across onX Hunt, onX Offroad, and onX Backcountry apps. This frequent data update helps outdoor enthusiasts access real-time information for safer and more informed outdoor activities.

  • August 2023: Quant Data & Analytics, a provider of data products and enterprise solutions for real estate and retail, partnered with Satellogic Inc. to utilize Satellogic’s high-resolution satellite imagery to enhance property technology in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region.

  • April 2023: Astraea, a spatiotemporal data and analytics platform, introduced a new ordering service that grants customers scalable access to top-tier commercial satellite imagery from providers such as Planet Labs PBC and others.

  • May 2022: Satellogic Inc. established a partnership with UP42. This geospatial developer platform enables direct access to Satellogic’s satellite tasking capabilities, including high-resolution multispectral and wide-area hyperspectral imagery, through the UP42 API-based platform.

  • April 2022: TomTom International BV, a geolocation tech company, broadened its partnership with Maxar Technologies, a space solution provider. This expansion involves integrating high-resolution global satellite imagery from Maxar’s Vivid imagery base maps into TomTom’s product lineup, enhancing their visualization solutions for customers.


An Infographic Representation of Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market

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The geospatial imagery analytics market report provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on key aspects such as leading companies, product/service types, and leading applications of the product. Besides this, it offers insights into the market trends and highlights key industry developments. In addition to the factors above, the report encompasses several factors that have contributed to the growth of the market in recent years.

Report Scope & Segmentation



Study Period


Base Year


Forecast Period


Historical Period


Growth Rate

CAGR of 32.1% from 2023 to 2030


Value (USD Billion)
















By Imaging Type

  • Video

  • Image

By Collection Medium

  • Geographic Information System (GIS)

  • Satellite Imagery

  • Others (UAV, Drones, and others)

By Application

  • Weather Conditions Monitoring

  • Disaster Management

  • Urban Planning/Development

  • Natural Resource Exploration

  • Others (Sales & Marketing Optimization, and others)

By End-user

  • Defense & Security

  • Healthcare

  • Retail & Logistics

  • Government

  • Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI)

  • Mining/Manufacturing

  • Agriculture

  • Others (Transportation, Education, and others)

By Region

  • North America (By Imaging Type, Collection Medium, Application, End-user, and Country)

    • U.S. (Application)

    • Canada (Application)

    • Mexico (Application)

  • South America (By Imaging Type, Collection Medium, Application, End-user, and Country)

    • Brazil (Application)

    • Argentina (Application)

    • Rest of South America

  • Europe (By Imaging Type, Collection Medium, Application, End-user, and Country)

    • U.K. (Application)

    • Germany (Application)

    • France (Application)

    • Italy (Application)

    • Spain (Application)

    • Russia (Application)

    • Benelux (Application)

    • Nordics (Application)

    • Rest of Europe

  • Middle East & Africa (By Imaging Type, Collection Medium, Application, End-user, and Country)

    • Turkey (Application)

    • Israel (Application)

    • GCC (Application)

    • North Africa (Application)

    • South Africa (Application)

    • Rest of the Middle East & Africa

  •  Asia Pacific (By Imaging Type, Collection Medium, Application, End-user, and Country)

    • China (Application)

    • Japan (Application)

    • India (Application)

    • South Korea (Application)

    • ASEAN (Application)

    • Oceania (Application)

    • Rest of Asia Pacific

Frequently Asked Questions

Fortune Business Insights Inc. says that the market is projected to reach USD 109.84 billion by 2030.

In 2022, the market was valued at USD 11.88 billion.

The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 32.1% during the forecast period.

By end-user, the defense & security segment holds a maximum share in the market.

The growing demand for location-based insights across diverse industries is poised to fuel market growth during the forecast period.

Hexagon AB, Satellogic, CAPE Analytics, Esri, Geoimage, Maxar Technologies, TomTom International BV, RMSI, EOS Data Analytics, Inc., and Planet Labs PBC are the top players in the market.

North America is expected to hold the largest market share.

By end-user, the mining/manufacturing segment is poised to grow at a highest CAGR during the forecast period.

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