
平板玻璃市场规模、份额和行业分析,按类型(浮法、片材和轧制)、按产品类型(涂层、超透明、层压、钢化等)、按应用(建筑、汽车、太阳能电池板等) )和区域预测,2019-2026

最近更新时间: February 17, 2025 | 格式: PDF | 报告编号: FBI102720







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节电意识不断增强,导致人们使用低能效产品并广泛使用现有的自然能源。在住宅和商业建筑中使用这种玻璃可以利用自然光并减少人造光的成本和消耗。不同国家的政府已制定规则和法规来促进建筑领域的能源效率。与不遵守这些规则和规定的传统建筑相比,符合这些节能建筑规则和规定的建筑消耗的能源最多可减少 40%-60%。这增加了type玻璃的消耗量,从而导致了市场的增长率。 



不断增长的建筑活动和基础设施发展导致需求增加。平板玻璃用于屋顶、窗户和外墙。作为一种建筑特征,它也用于内部分区。它为建筑结构提供了优异的性能,包括隔音和隔热。这些特性正在创造建筑行业对不同平板玻璃产品的需求。此外,快速工业化正在鼓励在商业建筑中安装这种 type 玻璃,通过最大限度地利用自然光来实现节能,预计将推动市场发展。





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就产品type 而言,该市场分为镀膜玻璃、超透明玻璃、夹层玻璃、钢化玻璃等。其中,夹层玻璃占据主要平板玻璃市场份额。夹层玻璃在破碎时仍保持完整,从而保护其免受伤害。它还可以阻挡紫外线和夹在两层玻璃之间的 PVB 层的传输,并提供隔音效果。由于夹层玻璃的特性,建筑和汽车行业对夹层玻璃的需求不断增长,预计将增加需求。




根据应用,该市场分为建筑、汽车、太阳能电池板等。人口增长、城市化和可支配收入增加是导致全球建筑活动和基础设施发展增加的少数因素。在建筑应用中,这种 type 玻璃因其隔音、隔热、防反射和选择性太阳波长透射等特性而主要用于室内、窗户和外墙。因此,市场的增长可归因于建筑行业的高需求。

此外,汽车行业不断增长的需求进一步推动了全球的需求。除了在挡风玻璃和镜子中使用这种 type 玻璃外,它还用于屋顶以增加美观。消费者在汽车上的支出增加是汽车行业增长的一个促进因素,从而增加了需求。


Asia Pacific Flat Glass Market Size, 2015-2026 (USD Billion)

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该市场的竞争格局呈现出一个整合的市场,前 5 名公司约占全球产能的 60%。市场主要参与者投入了大量资源用于平板玻璃产品的研发。多元化的产品组合,以卓越的运营效率和新颖的技术开发为支持,是市场领导者实现增长的战略。日本板硝子公司在平板玻璃市场的各个领域都表现出色。


  • AGC 公司
  • 圣戈班
  • NSG 集团
  • 守护工业
  • Şişecam 集团
  • 台湾工业玻璃股份有限公司
  • 福耀玻璃工业集团
  • Vitro,S.A.B.简历
  • 中央玻璃
  • 南玻集团有限公司
  • 其他主要参与者


  • 2019 年 9 月 – Guardian Glass 投资对英国和匈牙利的玻璃生产线进行升级和现代化改造。随着现有熔炉接近其生命周期终点,英国古尔的浮法玻璃生产线将进行升级和现代化改造。新浮法玻璃熔炉的名义熔化能力预计为 825 吨/天,比现有熔炉增加 20%。
  • 2016 年 11 月 – Şişecam 集团收购了意大利制造商 Sangalli Vetro Porto Nogaro 价值 9300 万美元的全部资产。通过收购年产能达 220 KT 的 Sangalli,Şişecam 成为欧洲产能最大的平板玻璃制造商。


An Infographic Representation of Flat Glass Market

To get information on various segments, share your queries with us

平板玻璃市场报告提供了详细的市场分析,重点关注领先公司、产品 type 以及产品的领先应用等关键方面。除此之外,该报告还提供了对市场趋势的见解,并重点介绍了平板玻璃行业的主要发展。除了上述因素外,报告还涵盖了近年来推动市场增长的几个因素。
















  • 浮动
  • 工作表
  • 卷起


  • 涂层
  • 超清晰
  • 层压
  • 增韧
  • 其他


  • 架构
  • 汽车
  • 太阳能电池板
  • 其他


  • 北美(美国、加拿大和墨西哥)
  • 欧洲(德国、法国、英国、意大利、西班牙、俄罗斯和欧洲其他地区)
  • 亚太地区(中国、日本、印度、东南亚和亚太地区其他地区)
  • 南美洲(巴西、阿根廷和南美洲其他地区)
  • 中东和非洲(海湾合作委员会以及中东和非洲其他地区)


Fortune Business Insights表示,2018年全球市场规模为983.7亿美元,预计到2026年将达到1532.1亿美元。


该市场将以 5.7% 的复合年增长率增长,在预测期内(2019-2026 年)将呈现快速增长。



2018 年,亚太地区的市场份额最高。





  1. Introduction
    1. Research Scope
    2. Market Segmentation
    3. Research Methodology
    4. Definitions and Assumptions
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Market Dynamics
    1. Market Drivers
    2. Market Restraints
    3. Market Opportunities
  4. Key Insights
    1. Key Emerging Trends – For Major Countries
    2. Key Developments: Mergers, Acquisition, Partnership, etc.
    3. Latest Technological Advancement
    4. Insights on Regulatory Scenario
    5. Porters Five Forces Analysis
  5. Global Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Region
      1. North America
      2. Europe
      3. Asia pacific
      4. South America
      5. Middle East & Africa
  6. North America Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis,Insights and Forecast – By Country
      1. U.S.
      2. Canada
      3. Mexico
  7. Europe Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis – By Country
      1. Germany
      2. France
      3. UK
      4. Italy
      5. Spain
      6. Russia
      7. Rest of Europe
  8. Asia Pacific Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis – By Country
      1. China
      2. Japan
      3. India
      4. Southeast Asia
      5. Rest of Asia Pacific
  9. South America Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis – By Country
      1. Brazil
      2. Argentina
      3. Rest of South America
  10. Middle East & Africa Flat Glass Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast, 2015-2026
    1. Key Findings / Summary
    2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Type
      1. Float
      2. Sheet
      3. Rolled
    3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Product Type
      1. Coated
      2. Extra Clear
      3. Laminated
      4. Toughened
      5. Others
    4. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast – By Application
      1. Architecture
      2. Automotive
      3. Solar Panels
      4. Others
    5. Market Analysis – By Country
      1. GCC
      2. Rest of Middle East & Africa
  11. Competitive Analysis
    1. Company Profiles
      1. AGC Inc.
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      2. Saint-Gobain
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      3. NSG Group
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      4. Guardian Industries
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      5. Şişecam Group
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      6. Taiwan Industry Glass Corporation
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      7. Fuyao Glass Industry Group
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      8. Vitro, S.A.B. De CV
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      9. Central Glass
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      10. CSG Holdings Co. Ltd.
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
      11. Other Key Players
        1. Overview,
        2. Products & services,
        3. SWOT analysis,
        4. Recent developments,
        5. strategies,
        6. financials (based on availability)
  12. Strategic Recommendations

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Flat Glass Market Revenue Breakdown (US$ Bn, %) by Region, 2018 & 2026

Figure 2: Global Volume Breakdown (Mn Ton, %) by Region, 2018 & 2026

Figure 3: Global Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 4: Global Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 5: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Float, 2015-2026

Figure 6: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Float, 2015-2026

Figure 7: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Sheet, 2015-2026

Figure 8: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Sheet, 2015-2026

Figure 9: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Rolled, 2015-2026

Figure 10: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Rolled, 2015-2026

Figure 11: Global Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 12: Global Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 13: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Coated, 2015-2026

Figure 14: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Coated, 2015-2026

Figure 15: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Extra Clear, 2015-2026

Figure 16: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Extra Clear, 2015-2026

Figure 17: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Laminated, 2015-2026

Figure 18: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Laminated, 2015-2026

Figure 19: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Toughened, 2015-2026

Figure 20: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Toughened, 2015-2026

Figure 21: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Others, 2015-2026

Figure 22: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Others, 2015-2026

Figure 23: Global Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 24: Global Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 25: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Architecture, 2015-2026

Figure 26: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Architecture, 2015-2026

Figure 27: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Automotive, 2015-2026

Figure 28: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Automotive, 2015-2026

Figure 29: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Solar Panels, 2015-2026

Figure 30: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Solar Panels, 2015-2026

Figure 31: Global Forecast (US$ Bn), by Others, 2015-2026

Figure 32: Global Forecast (Mn Ton), by Others, 2015-2026

Figure 33: North America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 34: North America Volume (Mn Ton), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 35: North America Revenue Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 36: North America Volume Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 37: North America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 38: North America Volume (Mn Ton), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 39: North America Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 40: North America Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 41: North America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 42: North America Volume (Mn Ton), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 43: North America Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 44: North America Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 45: North America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 46: North America Volume (Mn Ton), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 47: North America Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 48: North America Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 49: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 50: Europe Volume (Mn Ton), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 51: Europe Revenue Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 52: Europe Volume Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 53: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 54: Europe Volume (Mn Ton), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 55: Europe Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 56: Europe Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 57: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 58: Europe Volume (Mn Ton), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 59: Europe Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 60: Europe Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 61: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 62: Europe Volume (Mn Ton), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 63: Europe Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 64: Europe Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 65: Asia Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 66: Asia Pacific Volume (Mn Ton), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 67: Asia Pacific Revenue Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 68: Asia Pacific Volume Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 69: Asia Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 70: Asia Pacific Volume (Mn Ton), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 71: Asia Pacific Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 72: Asia Pacific Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 73: Asia Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 74: Asia Pacific Volume (Mn Ton), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 75: Asia Pacific Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 76: Asia Pacific Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 77: Asia Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 78: Asia Pacific Volume (Mn Ton), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 79: Asia Pacific Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 80: Asia Pacific Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 81: South America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 82: South America Volume (Mn Ton), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 83: South America Revenue Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 84: South America Volume Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 85: South America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 86: South America Volume (Mn Ton), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 87: South America Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 88: South America Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 89: South America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 90: South America Volume (Mn Ton), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 91: South America Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 92: South America Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 93: South America Revenue (US$ Bn), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 94: South America Volume (Mn Ton), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 95: South America Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 96: South America Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 97: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 98: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton), by Country, 2018 & 2026

Figure 99: Middle East & Africa Revenue Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 100: Middle East & Africa Volume Share (%), by Country, 2018

Figure 101: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 102: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton), by Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 103: Middle East & Africa Revenue Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 104: Middle East & Africa Volume Share (%), by Type, 2018

Figure 105: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 106: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton), by Product Type, 2018 & 2026

Figure 107: Middle East & Africa Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 108: Middle East & Africa Volume Share (%), by Product Type, 2018

Figure 109: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 110: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton), by Application, 2018 & 2026

Figure 111: Middle East & Africa Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2018

Figure 112: Middle East & Africa Volume Share (%), by Application, 2018

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Flat Glass Market Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 2: Global Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 3: Global Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 4: Global Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 5: Global Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 6: Global Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 7: Global Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Region, 2015–2026

Table 8: Global Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Region, 2015–2026

Table 9: North America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 10: North America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 11: North America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 12: North America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 13: North America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 14: North America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 15: North America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 16: North America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 17: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 18: Europe Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 19: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 20: Europe Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 21: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 22: Europe Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 23: Europe Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 24: Europe Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 25: Asia-Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 26: Asia-Pacific Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 27: Asia-Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 28: Asia-Pacific Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 29: Asia-Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 30: Asia-Pacific Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 31: Asia-Pacific Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 32: Asia-Pacific Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 33: South America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 34: South America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 35: South America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 36: South America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 37: South America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 38: South America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 39: South America Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 40: South America Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 41: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 42: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Country, 2015–2026

Table 43: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 44: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Type, 2015–2026

Table 45: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 46: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Product Type, 2015–2026

Table 47: Middle East & Africa Revenue (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Application, 2015–2026

Table 48: Middle East & Africa Volume (Mn Ton) Forecast, by Application, 2015-2026

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